Welcome to the curious mind of Linda Rizzoli —

The Month & More
A peak at how I use my monthly calendar to schedule today & build the future.

New Year, New Day Planner
Anyone else still love a day planner? Here’s how I make mine my own.

Walk with Linda #18
I invented a fake advice column, Ask Edith. Here is our first adventure into Edith’s advice!

Walk with Linda #17
Contribution. What if you're not an isolated individual but rather part of a creative organism?

Walk with Linda #16
You're invited to the land of possibility! It's woven into life, always expanding and present.

Walk with Linda #15
The light and flirty energy of choice. What could be created when you don't have to come to the right decision?

Walk with Linda #14
This month, we are talking about creation and how to approach creation differently. The first element we dive into: question. What if being open and curious allowed you create magic?

Walk with Linda #13
That intangible element of leadership, that place beyond logic and planning, the flowing, changing element of energy. It is vital to pay attention to all that is unsaid and unseen when creating towards the big picture of what you desire.

Walk with Linda #12
Here I am talking about the dimension of leadership, Leader Beside. It's that great dance partner, the one who brings out the best in you.

Walk with Linda #11
In this episode, I a looking at the leadership that is done quietly as a support. The role of leading from behind is very different than following and is valuable, powerful and required. It can set the course.

Walk with Linda #10
Our classic definition of leadership: the person at the front of the room. What if we looked at it more as the person who holds the big picture? Where have you been that person?

Walk with Linda #09
Leadership is a word that carries so many definitions. It gets convoluted, misused and misidentified. If you did not immediately disqualify yourself from leadership, what could you create in this world?

Walk with Linda #05
Today we play with one of the goals in your life and the energy underneath it. It’s an amazing guided energy exercise that you can use again and again.